Saturday, May 14, 2016

From The Leftovers...

One colorful, wonderful bunch of people behind the scenes and in front of the cameras...

Lots of sly Prince purple homages got through.

Pax et lux, y'all

Guilty As Charged

Who else goes on a very exciting set of a hit show with a great juicy part and takes a photo of a cute pup?

Guilty as charged.

We'll report more tomorrow. Very happy set, lovely people and this will be our welcome post.

Almost wishing we lived in Lockhart, Texas. Now THAT'S saying something.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Close Encounter

Our good friend Lon Strickler has posted perhaps one of the most compelling of all "Close Encounter" stories ever. A few of John Mack's interviews with the witnesses are here, as well.

Maybe broad daylight tales can be as scary as any that happen in the witching hours.

Thanks to Lon for the coverage.

We're shooting an episode of The Leftovers today and will post about this when we find the secret codes of what we're allowed to say. (Never let it be said that we're plot spoilers.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"i hate all the cats that poop"

Perhaps I'm abusing Facebook. A friend's Instagram account was the rabbit hole/horrible portal that led me to this blog. The title of this post made me hope it was humorous. What I found instead was something that made me cry.

OK, maybe it's too small an act in a world of outrageous cruelty, but the pride with which she posted this was so singularly awful that I'm honestly trying to figure out the difference between this kind of act and tormenting any other living thing who displeases you.

Caution: do not post hate here. I sent a comment to her blog which I daresay will not make it to published status. If you send hateful things about her either here or there, you are, frankly, part of the problem.

This page has described many situations in which this writer tries mightily to rise above certain egregious and sometimes just mildly irritating acts with phenomenally uneven results.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: This young woman's merriment at her own hate-filled actions. Granted, as mean humans go, this may be lightweight material. But I'm seriously asking God to keep animals and children as far from her actions and influence as possible.

OK guys. I DEFINITELY owe you a funny post after this one.

Who knew I could cry seeing a photo of a terrified animal???

Fabulous Freddie, Pass it On

It might be Wordless Wednesday for New Day Foster Home, but not here...

Maybe some folks can't help having favorites and this little fellow is one of mine. Because of medical help, good nutrition and especially lots of love, he's changed from a sick, broken-hearted infant to this impish toddler.

New Day cares for around fifty Chinese orphans with special medical needs ranging from relatively mild cleft palates to severe congenital heart disease and more. They also work very hard for orphan outreach, supplying lifesaving formula to impoverished orphanages throughout the provinces.

Another favorite organization is Love Without Boundaries: What they've done in less than twenty years is nothing short of amazing. Their high regard for the Chinese culture does much to heighten in-country awareness of the orphan plight. And they work diligently to help fund lifesaving surgeries so that Chinese children don't have to be abandoned to ensure adequate care.

LWB and New Day also both fund foster family programs, ensuring that many of these kids don't have to live in institutionalized settings: The results are much healthier, secure and HAPPIER children who are better prepared for family life if/when they are adopted.

In China and many other countries, even things as treatable as cleft palate are not only stigmatized but life threatening: The time and special feeding equipment for these babies is often in short supply. And while these groups both advocate for adoption, they aren't agencies. But they each work very hard to increase awareness for the availability of in-country adoptions.

NDFH is not a very big organization, but the work they do with high risk babies is fraught with heartbreak and disappointment. We appreciate the updates on the kids through their blog and Facebook. When their charges can finally be adopted into loving forever families, it seems as big as miracles get.

Postscript, per status quo, we know this won't apply to the great majority of our readers, but to anyone who even thinks about commenting to the effect that American babies should be considered first, well, in light of the fact that these particular groups are faith-based, we'll avoid making the first comment that comes to mind. (But it's a lulu.)

Instead, know this: While we fully realize that any orphan has a hard lot, there are places where being without parents is flat out a virtual death sentence. It's just not the case in our country.

Besides, what kind of human being looks at any child and thinks about things like the sheer accident of one's birth country? (That was rhetorical: We know what kind of human thinks that stuff: The kind who believes in gigantic walls. On second thought, with that in mind, you should have a special affinity for China since they built the original one.)

Back to Freddie. This little boy has come a very long way.

Thanks for having a peek at a faraway place that matters greatly to us.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


This might be something we've had a hunch about for ages. It's still nice to see here...

Monday, May 9, 2016

Itty Bitty Baby Orchid.

It's not a great photo but there is an itty bitty baby orchid in the same planter. A friend gave us this because our dogs - all three poor babies - have been sick with three different ills this week. Mostly under control but any prayers for the poodle will be much appreciated.

Love our vet for calming ME down. Plus he then upped Roger's phenobarbital to level him out seizure-wise. My biggest boy. Happily, he's showing no after effects from them and they're grand mal.

Thanks, guys.

Hacking hunger.

Check it out.

Hacking hunger.

You smart kids and your brilliant minds coupled with big hearts make things like this possible. Hats off to you.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful Mom and sisters!

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