Saturday, March 12, 2016


When watching someone have not-one-of-their-better-days seems like a fanny shake away from having one ourselves...

When the person next to you seems like he needs a sucker punch even though you're not absolutely sure they're a murdering terrorist or not but probably because a kind of long unexamined rage has been building to a boil in your breast...

And, too, when the person who sucker punches seems like he needs a good old-fashioned speaking...

When we all forget - and we're all bound to, because it's the nature of the skin we wear - that we are a stardust speck of the big precious Entire Shebang to-geth-er...

Then sometimes scrunching our eyes shut tight and seeing this may get us back between the ditches.
Or not. But we're stuck sober and alternative plans always come in handy.

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