Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You Ain't Nothin' But a Pound Dog

These two adorable dogs are now happily ensconced with people I care a lot about. The boy dog to the right is pretty happy about his new little sister. Rumor has it that her head stays wet most of the day from either being licked or inside his bear-ish mouth which she'll either decide she loves or doesn't as time passes.

All we know is this: Two pups were on death row and now have each other and a family.

It seems a little thing in light of all the devastation occurring this summer...

Our hearts are going out to all the people AND animals displaced by the floods down south and the fires near us.

Here's to all the force of love, charity and help that good folks are sending their way.

Really. Words are what we do and they feel really freaking feeble right now.

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