Sunday, July 3, 2016

What Matters

Once upon a time in America, this happened. My friend Tony B sent this to us and we're dedicating it to our dear buddy Blake Clark and a whole lot of men and women who have served in our United States Armed Forces.

In a world that seems to blow itself up every day in some damn way, here's to the people in the front lines - especially when you didn't wanna be there but you went anyway. May you all have a Chickie Donahue in your life - and may you all come home safe and sound.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!.

Be safe.

And let's say thanks to a vet today.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


We were looking for Terhune's book, 'Across the Line' and found a metaphysical treasure trove. A bunch of these are copyright free and available for downloading.

And happy 4th right back at y'all as we struggle to remember just what those amazing dudes put together all those years ago. And by 'dudes', we mean Mr. Jefferson and all those angels.

Let's do 'em proud.

Going all Nancy Grace on her ass...

Every now and a published news report comes to our attention that seems almost medieval or at least something more likely to be part of a Dickens' novel. In this case, it was definitely contemporary, so we wondered if it hadn't happened near Putin's home town instead of near a major United States metropolis.

Because there were children involved, and ones undergoing plenty of psychological trauma without this judge's unwarranted behavior, we recall praying fervently for a good Old Testament rebuke. pparently that's exactly what's going to happen.

When and if this creature - arguably classified on the human scale - works out her own myriad issues, she might want to get a makeover that doesn't tread upon any number of Disney characters, most notably ones with famous speeches beginning, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall...' or ones who own a lot of polka-dotted canines.

This writer is usually the first to decry those who would assail people on the shallow grounds of appearance. Perhaps we should be ashamed of making such joyful exception of our credo. Quite simply, just look at the &$!*#! She makes Leona Helmsley look like Melanie Wilkes.

Independence Day

It's not all Independence Day-esque, but there are plenty of unidentified airborne thingamajigs to go around if you keep your eyes peeled. Check out these videos courtesy of the MUFON man.

(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)

Have an amazing safe PET FRIENDLY holiday, y'all.

Love from the gang at my verified page.

That makes it official.

(And Wesley makes it legal.)

Friday, July 1, 2016

That Voodoo That We Do So Well

When academia alludes to the miraculous, the science part is often relegated to the dunce chair; but more and more frequently, we're reading about mind/matter interfacing: from the efficacy of prayer in medical scenarios to the positively mind-blowing work of Chulin Sun's experiments in time/consciousness. (Her work, described in article linked here is evocative of the film 'Contact'. Just the way cool ending twist - not the earnest dialog)

If you've experienced phenomena that challenges the constraints of linear time - and, yes, I reckon I'm asking for your miracle stories, we'd be grateful to hear from you. Please send them to our website ( if you prefer anonymity. And thanks in advance for giving consideration to space here.

Nancy Grace

Nancy Grace is leaving HNL.

The humanity, the humanity!


Like any other gal with her ankles very far apart, she'll land on her feet.

That's highly metaphoric but sincerely insulting. We hope.

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